If Production Is Tight, A Case Sealer Will Put It Right

Product manufacturing and shipping has to be efficient or the bottom line for your company suffers. If your production line is not as quick as it was before, improve your company's productivity with the help of a high-quality case sealer, such as those from SIAT S.p.A.

Taping by Hand Has Gotten Out of Hand

If your company has used human power to seal boxes, it is time to invest in an automatic case sealer for improved speed. Relax, your family-owned, attention-to-quality business is not going to go by the wayside because of automation. It is going to keep up with the demand for your products as well as increase company revenue.

Investigate the types of automatic sealers available. Most manufacturers and distributors can let you know how much more productivity you will get from a machine as opposed to your human workers.

Watch - and Save - Your Employees' Backs

Repetitive motion can wreck a person's back and shoulders. Give your employees the physical breaks they deserve by introducing automation in the form of an automatic case-sealing machine.

Are you worried that automation will cause you to have to lay off workers? It will not. In fact, your employees will need to be around to supervise the operation and light maintenance of these machines. You can look into training your employees on the machine or machines chosen for your company upon purchasing them.

Getting It Right

The first step to getting the correct case sealer for your company needs is to think about the applications in which these machines will be involved. There are two basic types of case-sealing machines. There are those that seal and pack items in a uniform manner and those that package items in a random manner.

Random does not mean that the case sealer makes up its own mind as to which boxes to seal. It simply means that if your company has items that are packed in a variety of box sizes, the machine senses this and adjusts itself accordingly to seal all boxes, no matter the size, securely and precisely. Uniform machines are suited to applications where the items boxed are all the same dimensions.

Get your company's revenue right. Invest in an automatic case sealer. There are a wide selection available from distributors and manufacturers online, and if you are skittish about the cost, know that you can buy used case sealers from dealers for added savings. 
