First Article Inspection: The Key to Quality Control

In today's market, quality control is vital to any business operation, regardless of the industry. One of the most crucial steps in achieving quality control of products is the First Article Inspection (FAI) process. It is a complete and independent verification process that ensures the product's blueprint, design, materials, and manufacturing processes meet the specifications and tolerances required for the final product. This post discusses the importance of the first article, the inspection process, and how it benefits manufacturing business operations.

Three Eye-Catching Pattern Prints For Your Shipping Boxes

Most of the boxes that people get in the mail when they order a product have a bland design. White boxes are common, while brown kraft cardboard boxes are also prevalent. While these boxes can do the job of getting a product from the store to the customer, they don't have an overly enticing appearance. Many companies order custom shipping boxes because of the ability to choose an eye-catching print for the exterior of the box.